Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Change is in the Air

Why is this message so threatening?
We are currently experiencing a period of significant cultural change. It’s exciting, widespread and somewhat intimidating because of its magnitude. This collective transformation is sweeping the nation, maybe the world. And there’s something altogether unique about society’s seismic shifting.

              It’s not just occurring within the boundaries of social justice either. It’s impacting numerous political and economic sectors too. In the process, it’s unearthing traditions and behaviors that once were firmly cemented in place. The result? Hope for some. Uncertainty for others. Fear for a great many.

              The causes are many and complex but the so-called Arab Spring is the global flashpoint. The events of Arab Spring, which took place half a world away in 2010, consisted of a wave of protests, demonstrations and civil unrest in parts of the Middle East. All were rooted in the dissatisfaction of the people with the status quo. Oppression seemed the common thread.

One theory of change
              It’s the same here in the States. For instance, the Black Lives Matter movement is a grassroots campaign that’s galvanizing African Americans and their supporters across the country. Its origin stems from the 2013 acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. It has since evolved to more generally protest many law enforcement agencies whose militaristic (some say brutal) policies disproportionately target African American men and women.

              On the economic front there’s Occupy Wall Street. This movement started in 2011. It illuminated protesters’ perceptions of, and attitudes about economic inequality in general, with particular emphasis on income disparity. The movement received global attention and inspired the broader Occupy movement against social and economic inequality worldwide.

              Of a more personal nature, marriage equality awareness has surged in recent years. Known more commonly (though perhaps not as accurately) as same sex marriage, change on this front has centered lately on the LGBTQ community but the disabled community has also been affected. Only a couple months ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state-level bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional.

Make room for all identities
Then there’s the emergence of issues related to persons who identify as transgender. Conversations are happening that poke holes in the conventional male/female binary, as well as accepted notions of what defines “masculine” and “feminine”. It also surfaces questions of acceptance and oppression – some of a life-threatening nature. According to reports, in 2015 there have been at least 16 transgender women murdered across the country.

              And let’s not forget about this nation’s policy (and make no mistake, it’s a policy) of mass incarceration, an institutional issue seemingly driven by the crime. Yet with the crime rate trending down, growing evidence points more strongly toward a broken, racist criminal justice system as the culprit. And it’s bookended by plain old fashion capitalism in the form of corporations running our prisons.

              All this change is not without backlash. And it’s showing up in often weird, dysfunctional ways. For instance, the political landscape is unrecognizable. Presidential candidates are flippantly mocking each other and employing communication strategies more akin to reality TV than substantive, issues-based messaging. Surely it cannot last. Or can it?

Time to change our criminal justice system
              What we are undergoing as a culture and as a nation, this dynamic social evolution, is quantum in nature. That is, it’s more a giant leap for humankind than one small step. It reminds me of the huge science and technology advancements made in the 20th Century (i.e., space flight, genetic research, computers… the washing machine).

              This progress, while many welcome it, also is taking a toll on our collective psyche. It’s hard to keep up. I’m all for it though, especially if it ultimately results in increased compassion and empathy among those of us who (consciously and unconsciously) oppress others.


Follow J.R. on Twitter @4humansbeing or contact him at

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