Jackie Robinson swung for the fence in more ways than one |
April 15 is Jackie Robinson Day. It’s an annual
date I celebrate with reverence. Not because it honors the first African
American to play Major League Baseball (MLB). Instead I recognize this day
because it symbolizes a lot of the things that are right about America. And
Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson became the first African American to play
in the majors during the modern area. He shattered the baseball color barrier
on April 15, 1947, when he signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers. This historic
moment pivoted American sensibilities.
this month, in an apparent effort to atone for the emotionally brutal treatment
of Robinson during his visits to the City of Brotherly Love, the Philadelphia
city council issued an apology. It came in the form of a resolution and delivered to the wife
of the late MLB Hall of Fame player, Rachel Robinson.
Robinson possessed a fierce poise and demand for respect |
to a Philly newspaper, the resolution stated in part that the City Council
recognizes, honors and celebrates April 15, 2016, as a day honoring the
lifetime achievements and lasting influence of Robinson. The resolution also speaks
to the racism he faced as a player while visiting Philadelphia.
in the sports world, Major League Baseball announced this week that it’s
boosting its financial contributions to the Jackie Robinson Foundation and
expanding its partnership with the organization.
to reports, the commitment includes funding 30 four-year Jackie RobinsonFoundation scholarships. That’s one scholarship representing each MLB team. A $1
million contribution is also being made to the Foundation’s Jackie Robinson
Museum project.
gesture is a relatively small one in light of baseball’s foul treatment of black athletes in earlier years, but nevertheless commendable.
National Association of Baseball Players, the
first organization governing American baseball, was formed in 1867. Black
athletes were banned. Records are sketchy, but according to Negro League
Baseball, several African-American players may have been active on the rosters
of white minor league teams in the late 1870s.
Behind every successful man... |
significant number of African Americans were elected to local, state, and
national offices. Some perspective: at the beginning of 1867, no African
American in the South held political office. Within four years, around 15
percent of Southern lawmakers were black – a larger percentage than in 1990,
according to author James M. McPherson in 1992’s Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution.
Southern states between 1870 and 1876, there were 633 black State Legislators, two
black U.S. Senators (in Mississippi!) and 15 black U.S. Congressmen. This, according to
author E. Foner (Reconstruction:
America's unfinished revolution, 1863–1877).
the walls came tumbling down. Hateful and murderous policies, sanctioned through
government backed Jim Crow laws of segregation and discrimination, obliterated
early reforms toward racial equality. So much for the American Dream.
steps forward, one step back.
the stroke of a pen Robinson became a Brooklyn Dodger and first black man in
Major League Baseball. That was just the beginning. He, along with his family
endured a heinous racist gauntlet. Robinson’s middle passage to acceptance was
pocked by unimaginable acts of loathing and prejudice and discrimination – all
because of the color of his skin. Color many white people today insist they do
not see.
of claiming to ignore a person’s distinctive attributes (like color), why not
instead hold those differences close. Use it as a means to reclaim all the wonder
and diversity of human beings. Ultimately, it’s what binds us together. The
fear is what tears us apart.
Follow J.R. on Twitter @4humansbeing or
contact him at 4humansbeing@gmail.com.