It’s recited by many that it takes a village to
raise a child. New Level Sports (NLS) is taking that mantra to heart,
literally, with development of a three-year project that’s been envisioned for
years. Now that it’s happening, time for the community to step up and residents
to get off their sofas and step out.
vision? The Youth Village. It’s an ambitious, five-acre, multipurpose complex situated
on the western edge of downtown. In its final form, the Youth Village takes up
fully one-city block, and is chockfull of resource facilities to activate the
mental, physical and spiritual (not religious) potential of boys and girls.
Youth Village gives Battle Creek youth not only hope, but also opportunity. And
we’re not just talking jobs. The higher purpose of this ambitious project is to
“define, manifest, live in, prosper in and pass on an ever evolving vision to
succeeding generations,” according to NLS Director Chris McCoy, who’s also Pastor
of Faith Assembly Christian Fellowship.
nearly 15 years New Level Sports, a nonprofit youth support service, has successfully
served urban youth and their families across the region. More than 10,000 of them
over the years, according to its website In that time, NLS has
motivated countless kids to fruitful life, education and career success. And
not just kids of color.

Youth Village stands on five proverbial pillars: Education, Personal Growth,
Arts, Enterprise, and Sports. The project seems to align well with the
two-year-old BC Vision initiative currently happening. Indeed, it complements
rather than competes with other existing systems (i.e., schools, service
agencies, businesses). That’s because of its holistic approach to developing
children; it reclaims a way of being we seem to have lost – at least in lower
income communities that have been stripped of so many resources all in the name
of economic austerity.
Youth Village is different. Think Boys & Girls Club on steroids.
an early childhood development center & 24/7 childcare facility (not all
jobs are 9 to 5), a youth garden and youth-operated micro businesses (screen
printing, embroidering, catering), to a “dream lounge” & career center, and
multi sports complex – the Youth Village is a young person destination with purpose.
will be trained by instructors in business, entrepreneurship, development,
cultural and community planning and personal growth development. It’s amazing
to watch kids who once felt hopeless begin to discover and unleash skills, abilities
and talents previously untapped within them.
in the sky? No, a slow burn. I’ve been watching McCoy cobble together support
for this vision for years. See, it takes a village to build a Youth Village. McCoy
says the project provides a progressive, clean and actionable path to enact
positive changes in the minds of our youth. For us, by us. Hallelujah.
remember ice skating on the “duck pond” at Irving Park? Everyone chipping in to
sweep off the snow in order to skate? It was a collective endeavor for the common
good that brought a lot of folks together. The Village Project offers a seasonal
outdoor rink for that purpose – and I’m referring to more than the sweeping part.
to adult residents and living room couch politics. Armchair quarterbacking works
well when it comes to watching sports. Backseat driving is effective if you’ve got
a GPS ap on your phone. But experience has proven that marshalling social
change from the sofa doesn’t work. Neither does merely writing charity checks
from behind an office desk or at the kitchen table – no matter how many zeros
there are behind that first numeral.
like growing food, community change happens when we step out the front door,
roll up our sleeves and dig in. And I don’t mean telling other folks what to do. Instead it comes from asking what needs to be done and joining
believes every young person, despite their background, has the ability to achieve
their goals and dreams. I do too, given the proper early childhood foundation
and access to resources. Lakeview and other outer lying communities have those things.
Working together, we can make them available on the Northside too. At the Youth
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